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I blame always the user
I am very happy to show you my latest invention: the L8Cup, or in some countries the Copo Leve.
The L8Cup is a cup made entirely of paper with an attached lid, for delivery and can be used for all types of liquids and solids.
The L8Cup is not only innovative in terms of consumption, as it eliminates plastic lids from the market, but it is also revolutionary in the industry, in terms of manufacturing. The L8Cup adapts to any model of cup and pot, and is eclectic enough to be mass-produced. In the past, we made the Lotus Flower Cup and I noticed that there were several small obstacles to mass production, and this caused a huge deadline problem for the factory; now the L8Cup is much simpler and faster, allowing the factory to scale up to the extent needed for its deliveries.
An important premise: we had never been able to test the usability of the Lotus Flower Cup for a large audience. Since we had a small quantity to deliver to people, we never noticed how difficult it was for people to close the cups and make the proposed movement quickly. I understood this in the worst way possible: with the product already in the air. But startups are like that: they do, undo and redo. There’s not much we can do. Our solution was to quickly understand that the model was too complex for most people to close, so in two weeks I designed the L8Cup and we put it into production.
It’s incredible to think that I managed to create a totally innovative cup model with an attached lid in just two weeks, research the existing patents, apply for the new patents and manufacture it in less than two months. But it’s not and has never been just 2 weeks: I have been working with sustainability for over 6 years since we revolutionized paper straws with Só Canudos, having sold the operation in 2018 to a large factory in the sector that continues to be a leader (in Brazil) in the manufacture of paper straws to this day.
The first users of the Lotus Flower Cup (IN MEMORIAN) changed everything, thank goodness. It saved me from delivering something to clients that no one could close!
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Follow, the mother company of L8Cup.